Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Kapatid na Chris (Charmed One; is visiting Riyadh for the first time over the coming weekend, since his move to the Eastern Province about four months ago. It's a big deal, obviously, so we are preparing a fete fit for a Charmed One tomorrow/ Thursday/August 2. Catering for about 25-30 of his friends in a swimming pool setting (urrgh, the temp hereabouts is 45 degrees Celsius and up, and that's in the morning huh). It's actually nothing new, this gathering of friends (and in the same venue), but we haven't done it for the longest time that Charmed One's visit to Riyadh is as good an excuse as any.

It's not naman that difficult to go all-out to make Charmed One's visit to Riyadh memorable. He has been such an excellent and wonderful friend. Always true, always upfront. You can't find a truer and finer friend.

Hopefully, we'll have loads of laughter and photographs to share after Charmed One's visit is over. In the meantime, I hope you'll settle for our smiles....

Charmed One, patroness of the arts.

Charmed One, world traveler (in HongKong).

Charmed One, heroes' friend.

Charmed One, with charming friends.

Charmed One, in a charming land (Tagaytay Highlands,
with Rusky, charming guide).