Sunday, January 14, 2007

PAP32 [Hong Kong views]

This series of photographs completes my chronicle of our Hong Kong trip in December 2006. This particular set is the result of my pretentious amateur photographer's (PAP) itch to click away with my criminal, er, digital camera - which, by the way, I think needs an upgrade.

Robot-like contraption
(actually, the coin-eating telescope) at the Peak.

I am not really keen about orientation so I am unsure if this is the northern, nor the southern nor western nor eastern part of the view from the Peak. I am sure that my vantage point was at the back of the viewing deck.

The most photographed angle from the Peak.
I swear, everyone has a shot infront of this view - us included.

A preponderance of buddhas -
our friend Almita would have a field day choosing which one she likes best. Shopkeepers actually don't want you taking photographs of their wares. But I have already taken this shot before I asked for permission which was not granted.

A lighthouse at the Peak.

The sinks, er, the seats at the Ocean Theatre.

Toilet signage at the Star Ferry port at Hong Kong side.
We actually realized how cheap and easy it is to use the ferry to cross to Kowloon and back, late in the day, so to speak. We used the ferry only on our last day in Hong Kong.
Bad planning. Tsk, tsk.

Wheel mechanism of the cable car that brings you to the Peak,
or is it merely decoration?

Chili sauce from around the world,
at Bubba Gump's at the Peak.

Photos by Blogger.