At the platform of the Disneyland Resort Station:
Dennis, Blogger, Lloyd, Kristine, Ate Mayet and Kuya Serge.
Carlo took this photograph.
Dennis, Blogger, Lloyd, Kristine, Ate Mayet and Kuya Serge.
Carlo took this photograph.
infront of the Disneyland Resort Station, after arrival.
Blogger infront of the giant Christmas tree,
elaborately lighted up, with a marching band to boot,
as soon as it starts to gets dark. It's actually
a deja vu moment for me. I seem to have stood
infront of the same tree the other time I was in Disneyland.
Hakuna Matata did not have a queue waiting
to be photographed with him, so why not?
Ate Mayet, Carlo, Kristine, Dennis and Lloyd went for it.
Mickey's Philharmagic show is one of the more
entertaining, even at second viewing.
Blogger, Kristine, Dennis, Carlo and Ate Mayet
waiting be-spectacled (well, except Kristine).
Actually, not really. The queues do end.
Photos by Blogger, Dennis Mendoza and Carlo Bismonte.