Saturday, July 29, 2006


I had this dream very early in the morning today.

But first, my Bebe smacked me on my right ear. I of course awoke. It hurt a lot. Later, he told me that he was dreaming that he was fighting with an older sister. He must have struck his sister in his dream. Poor me got struck on his sister's behalf.

Hurting, I moved to another bed.

In my dream, I went away from my Bebe because he smacked me. I found myself in the middle of several bunkbeds that were in turn, very near a huge swimming pool. The beds and the pool were in the ground floor of an apparently huge concrete building. I was talking to disfigured people. They were the survivors of the Ozone disco inferno.

One of them showed me a list of people who already visited them. I was in a list who visited only once. In my dream, it was just my second visit then.

The survivors were housed in that building courtesy of a German benefactor.

On the walls of the bunkbeds were plenty of souvenir letters, cards, drawings, photos and even frames -- all mementos of what appear to be get-well messages, encouragement letters, etc.

Interspersed with this dream was another dream of me preparing myself for a part in a program. My main problem in this sequence was I could not find the dressing room.

Back again to the bunk bed + swimming pool sequence -- I found myself next to an old friend and her kid (It was unclear if the kid was a son or a daughter.) It seemed they were constant visitors of the survivors.

I woke up from time to time since I was worried I might be late in getting up. I would drift back promptly to the same dream when I doze off.

I'm thinking now what brought on these dream sequences. Could it be the few scenes I saw from yesterday's MMK episode with Jericho and Heart where Jericho looked like one of the survivors of the Ozone disco tragedy? Could it be because I had been thinking how Jericho looks a lot like Steve Zandvoss of "Latter Days"?

I said a little prayer for the Ozone victims and survivors.